Like Grant took Richmond

Last night, Dennis Richmond the longtime anchor of KTVU-2's Ten O'Clock News signed off for the final time. Dennis spent 40 years at KTVU (the Bay Area's FOX affiliate, and a major independent station for decades before FOX), the last 32 of which saw him anchoring the area's lone "early" newscast with gravitas and aplomb.
As news anchors go, Dennis was solidly old-school. He rarely cracked wise, offered political commentary, or indulged in tabloid fluff from the anchor chair. In the immortal words of Jack Webb, Dennis stuck with "just the facts, ma'am."
His female co-anchors and they were always female, beginning with Barbara Simpson in the late '70s, who gave way to Elaine Corral in the mid-'80s, who in turn stepped aside for Leslie Griffith in the late '90s, before perky Julie Haener snatched the job two years ago came and went (mostly as they crept toward middle age, because that's how the broadcasting business goes), but Dennis remained constant, every night offering his sober and elegant delivery of the day's critical stories.
I would never hope to switch on the television and hear that World War Three had erupted. But if it had, I'd have wanted Dennis Richmond to be there to break the news, in his rich, reassuring baritone.
Now, when the Big One drops, I'll have to settle for Frank Somerville. Not that there's anything wrong with Frank he's a fine reporter and anchor in his own right. But no one is Dennis Richmond.
Heck, they already named an East Bay city after the man.
Bon chance, Mr. Richmond. Thanks for all the news, good and bad. May your retirement be long, healthy, and fulfilling.
Labels: Celebritiana, Hero of the Day, My Home Town, Ripped From the Headlines, Sexiest People Alive, Teleholics Anonymous
1 insisted on sticking two cents in:
Dennis Richmond.. I used to watch him 15 years ago when I lived in the Bay Area. Makes me think of the old gang.. is Lee Rogers still around? Ed Baxter? Folks I remember from the days when I listened to KGO.. would have been back in the late 80's, early 90's.
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