Housewives aren't that desperate
According to the New York Post by way of the San Francisco Chronicle, Kennedy was fired for exposing himself to coworkers. The published report quotes a source as saying, "Kennedy may have had a problem with flashing people on the set."
Actually, it would seem more accurate to surmise that Kennedy's fellow cast members had a problem with him flashing. I'm guessing he didn't have a problem with it at all.

Maybe Kennedy thought that notorious skit aired during a Monday Night Football game last season, in which Housewives costar Nicolette Sheridan dropped her towel for the viewing pleasure of then-Philadelphia Eagles standout Terrell Owens, was a true-to-life portrayal of the way business gets done on the show.
Hmm... now both Kennedy and Owens are out of work, while Sheridan still has a job. I ask you: Is there no justice in Hollywood?
Wait. Don't answer that.
Never mind.
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