First Barry White, now this
Luther Vandross is gone.

Every sexually active person within the sound of this blog has, at one time or another, made love with Luther Vandross singing in the background. You know you have. Don't go getting all innocent on me now. (Well, maybe not Luther himself, but one of his recordings. Although, if you ever did make love while Luther actually sang right there in the room, feel welcome to send the National Enquirer an e-mail with the 411.)
Luther's legacy of smooth soulful ballads reads like an all-time list of great R&B classics: "Here and Now." "Power of Love/Love Power." "Never Too Much." "Don't Want to Be a Fool." "Your Secret Love." "Dance With My Father." And tons of awesome covers: "Superstar." "Always and Forever." "Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now." "Endless Love" (with Mariah Carey). "The Closer I Get to You" (with Beyoncé Knowles).
Luther suffered a stroke in 2003 and never fully recovered his health. He was 54 years old when he passed away today.
His music will always be ageless.
2 insisted on sticking two cents in:
Luther was THE last real crooner out there. Everyone else who follows after him is just a pretender to the throne.
It's so sad to know Luther Vandross is no longer here... yet, isn't wonderful that his music remains and still has all its powers?
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