Art to soothe the savage breast
Getting art in the mail always perks me up, though. Here's a wicked cool portrait of that long-time Avengers stalwart, the Scarlet Witch, drawn and inked by an up-and-coming Canadian artist named Peter Repovski. Peter employs a clean, sleek ink line that reminds me of some of the great inkers of the '70s, guys like Joltin' Joe Sinnott, Murphy Anderson, and Bob McLeod. This is easily one of the most beautifully rendered pieces in my collection. I'm predicting Mr. Repovski's going to be a major star in the industry before too long. (Remember, you read it here first.)

Peter, whose work has appeared in the Dark Horse Comics series Fused: Think Like a Machine, is one heck of a nice guy in addition to being a superlative artist. He was an absolute gem to do business with. He even included with this drawing an autographed copy of Fused #4. I've moved him near the top of the list of artists from whom I want to obtain some commissioned artwork. (If you'd like to request a commission from Peter yourself, you can contact him through his Web site.)
Also in Saturday's mail were these two interesting published pages.

The first is a full-page splash from Namor, issue #9, penciled by Patrick Olliffe and inked by John Livesay (who usually bills himself by surname only like Madonna, only in reverse). The second is a nicely atmospheric panel page from Spider-Girl #61, penciled by Ron Frenz (who also autographed the page) and inked by one of the master artists from the '70s, Sal Buscema. Both Olliffe and Frenz draw in styles reminiscent of the Silver Age, which of course appeals to the nostalgic old fogey in me.
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